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Sailing Vessel Serenity is a 30 foot sloop by Coronado Yachts 1970 model.  I named it Serenity for a three fold effect.  First in reference to the Serenity Prayer, secondly in reference to a spaceship called Serenity on the SciFi Series “Firefly”, and lastly the amount of serenity from living a minimalist life on a sailboat and visiting with the world on a shoestring budget.  I envision the Serenity an off the grid cruising boat and hope to start a world tour in 2020 or shortly thereafter.  I am Captain Kenny Paul and I look forward to making sailing videos of my adventures starting right here in Puget Sound Washington Olympia.  My home port is Olympia Washington and we are moored at West Bay Marina.  I first dreamed of making sailing videos watching Delos.com and SailingtoFreedom.  I have always wanted to sail around the world ever since my dad took me as a young boy on the Cape Cod Canal in Massachusetts.  His dad lived on a lighthouse and his father(my great grandfather) was a lighthouse keeper of Wings Neck Lighthouse.  Sailing is in my blood from my heritage and watching all those Delos episodes really made me think this could be my dream too.

I am a starving artist trying to survive.  Please scroll down to the subscribe button and subscribe.  Subscribing to this blog is always going to be free.  Be sure to click on my recent blog posts.  Like and comment helps me a lot and sharing some page or photo you like here onto Facebook is much appreciated.  Finally if you have some spare change you can donate to my cause here:
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Once I get my boat in shape for a Pacific crossing I am planning to visit many remote islands and find volunteer work in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I want to interview locals and find out how they are managing the impact of global warming in their life. Also I want to help my church spread the good word. Stay tuned for my adventures first released to my Patreon subscribers then on Youtube. Patreon subscribers get exclusive rights to download some of my photography and even a chance to take a sail with me!

Even if you can not afford a donation at this time please help by subscribe to this blog and my YouTube channel for free videos.  Putting a “like” on my YouTube videos also helps a lot!  Thank you very much for your time.