Sailing Vessel Serenity: Repairs 2020

Sailing vessels need constant repair and maintenance.  Salt water corrodes metals, UV rays from hot sun bake plastic and clear coat, and constant rain condensation and other moisture  cause mold and algae.  All of these forces conspire to degrade you boat’s working parts and it’s appearance.  Now old dogs like me have a hard time getting funds to repair yachts. Everything for a boat costs extra money because a boat is a luxury item. But my yacht is my modest home and I am on a tight budget on disability. I am hoping I can develop this blog and affiliate marketing to make beautiful videos for your enjoyment. If I can make an income from my home I can get off public assistance and feel I am pulling my own weight so to speak. What a humble home I am making here and l you guys and gals who watch my videos and blog post help me so much and I thank each member.

Thankfully I managed to scrape up enough favors to repair a few items have been bugging me for months. I thank my friends Mickey and Linda for my newest additions to the repair tools for Sailing Vessel Serenity. I am lucky to have such good friends. So many have supported my efforts here I appreciate him so much not just monetarily, spiritually as well.

The spiritual connection, my wonderful Ward friends that I made during the Covid crisis is very strong since Jesus is Lord and loves us all as brothers and sisters. I have used social media to reach out to those less fortunate than me. I get to share my testimony of the Atonement more in crisis than my gospel learning time pre-Covid. My testimony has grown during this crisis because sharing the Restored gospel brings many blessings both in heaven and here on our Creators earth. I have never felt so blessed.

Blessings me including these materiels to repair my yacht. Hatch hinges, fiberglass repair kit, and anchor chain are all items I bought at West Marine.

Items purchased at West Marine

I have found the staff at West Marine very helpful. They suggested T90 instead of the liquid wrench I was searching. It got my shackle bolt loose when nothing else worked. I receive no preferencial treatment or money for my endorsement so far. But I recommend them for helpful staff. Thank you for reading, happy sailing.

9 thoughts on “Sailing Vessel Serenity: Repairs 2020”

  1. Life is great, and you are right God is GREATER 🙂 We all are blessed from our faith, friends and family. I am glad you are getting the help you need and I hope at soon you will be able to fulfill your dreams.

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